ООО "КОШ-АГАЧСКАЯ СЭС" с. Мухор-Тархата. Кош агачская сэсКош-Агачская солнечная электростанция
В селе Кош-Агач (Республика Алтай) началось строительство второй очереди Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции мощностью 5 МВт. В соответствии с графиком строительно-монтажные работы займут не более 4 месяцев. После ввода второй очереди мощность Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции увеличится до 10 МВт, что перекроет четверть дневного потребления электроэнергии Республики Алтай, снизит энергодефицит и сократит зависимость от перетоков из соседних регионов, которые сопряжены с большими потерями электроэнергии в сетях при транспортировке на большие расстояния. Вторая очередь Кош-Агачской СЭС строится рядом с уже действующей первой очередью электростанции, мощность которой составляет 5 МВт. Ввод в эксплуатацию собственных генерирующих мощностей даст положительный импульс для социально-экономического развития Кош-Агачского и соседних районов республики. В частности, таких отраслей, как сельское хозяйство, туризм, горнорудная промышленность. На территории Кош-Агачского района, например, разведаны значительные запасы вольфрама, молибдена и других редкоземельных металлов, разработка которых сдерживалась отсутствием необходимых энергетических мощностей. Развитие промышленности, в свою очередь, это и новые рабочие места, и рост поступлений в бюджет, в том числе на развитие социальной сферы. Новые рабочие места создаются и на самой СЭС, на период строительства их число будет доходить до 100. Напомним, что первая очередь введена в строй 4 сентября 2014 года. Команду на запуск станции дал лично Владимир Путин. В феврале 2015 года Наблюдательный совет НП «Совет рынка» после инспекционной поездки группы экспертов признал Кош-Агачскую СЭС квалифицированным генерирующим объектом, работающим на основе возобновляемых источников энергии. А чуть ранее Министерство промышленности и торговли РФ подтвердило степень локализации Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции на уровне 70%. Начиная с 1 апреля 2015 года ОАО «Администратор торговой системы оптового рынка электроэнергии» (ОАО «АТС») предоставил Кош-Агачской СЭС право участия в торговле на оптовом рынке энергии и мощности, и электростанция в настоящее время осуществляет плановые поставки электроэнергии в сеть. Проект строительства Кош-Агачской СЭС реализуется в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 28 мая 2013 г. № 449 «О механизме стимулирования использования возобновляемых источников энергии на оптовом рынке электрической энергии и мощности», которым установлены гарантии возврата инвестиций в строительство объектов возобновляемой энергетики через механизм Договоров о поставке мощности по аналогии с новыми объектами традиционной генерации. По итогам первых двух конкурсных отборов инвестиционных проектов, проходивших в рамках этой программы в 2013 и 2014 годах, структуры компании «Хевел» в ближайшие три года планируют ввести в строй 254 МВт новой солнечной генерации в различных регионах России. Игорь Ахмеров, генеральный директор компании «Хевел»: «Досрочный ввод в эксплуатацию первой очереди Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции и опережение сроков строительства по ряду других наших объектов подтверждает нашу полную приверженность всем взятым на себя обязательствам». Loading... www.rusobschina.ru В Республике Алтай введена в эксплуатацию вторая очередь Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции - Пресс-центрВ селе Кош-Агач (Республика Алтай) введена в эксплуатацию вторая очередь Кош-Агачской солнечной электростанции (СЭС), тем самым установленная мощность энергообъекта увеличилась до 10 МВт. Инвестором и генеральным подрядчиком строительства выступили структуры компании «Хевел» (совместное предприятие ГК «Ренова» и ОАО «РОСНАНО»). Напомним, что первая очередь первой российской СЭС была введена в строй в 2014 году. Команду на запуск станции дал лично Президент России Владимир Путин. ![]() Кош-Агачская солнечная электростанция (СЭС) Первая очередь Кош-Агачской СЭС с апреля этого года осуществляет плановые поставки электроэнергии в сеть. Вторая очередь получит право на участие в торговле на оптовом рынке электроэнергии и мощности после завершения установленных законодательством регламентных работ. Две трети оборудования, задействованного при строительстве станции, произведено российскими предприятиями электротехнической и металлообрабатывающей промышленности. Работы по технологическому присоединению генерирующего объекта к распределительным электросетям Республики Алтай были проведены ОАО «МРСК Сибири». Кош-Агачский район Республики Алтай является одним из самых солнечных мест в России. Количество солнечных дней здесь превышает 300 в год. В соответствии с подписанным в мае 2014 года соглашением между компанией «Хевел» и Правительством Республики Алтай в регионе предполагается построить до 45 МВт солнечной генерации. Проекты строительства солнечных электростанций реализуются в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 28 мая 2013 г. №449 «О механизме стимулирования использования возобновляемых источников энергии на оптовом рынке электрической энергии и мощности», которым установлены гарантии возврата инвестиций в строительство объектов возобновляемой энергетики через механизм Договоров о поставке мощности по аналогии с новыми объектами традиционной генерации. По итогам конкурсных отборов инвестиционных проектов, проходивших в рамках этой программы в период с 2013 по 2015 год, структуры компании «Хевел» в ближайшие три года планируют ввести в строй 349 МВт новой солнечной генерации в различных регионах России. СправкаОткрытое акционерное общество «РОСНАНО» создано в марте 2011 года путем реорганизации государственной корпорации «Российская корпорация нанотехнологий». ОАО «РОСНАНО» содействует реализации государственной политики по развитию наноиндустрии, инвестируя напрямую и через инвестиционные фонды нанотехнологий в финансово эффективные высокотехнологичные проекты, обеспечивающие развитие новых производств на территории Российской Федерации. Основные направления инвестирования: электроника, оптоэлектроника и телекоммуникации, здравоохранение и биотехнологии, металлургия и металлообработка, энергетика, машино- и приборостроение, строительные и промышленные материалы, химия и нефтехимия. 100% акций ОАО «РОСНАНО» находится в собственности государства. Функцию управления активами ОАО «РОСНАНО» выполняет созданное в декабре 2013 г. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Управляющая компания «РОСНАНО», председателем правления которого является Анатолий Чубайс. Задачи по созданию нанотехнологической инфраструктуры и реализации образовательных программ выполняются Фондом инфраструктурных и образовательных программ, также созданным в результате реорганизации госкорпорации. * * * ООО «Хевел» (совместное предприятие ГК «Ренова» и АО «РОСНАНО», основано в 2009 году) является крупнейшей в России интегрированной компанией в отрасли солнечной энергетики. В структуру компании входят: производственное подразделение (завод по производству солнечных модулей в Новочебоксарске, Чувашская Республика), девелоперское подразделение (проектирование и строительство солнечных электростанций, портфель проектов на ближайшие годы — более 364 МВт) и Научно-технический центр тонкопленочных технологий в энергетике при ФТИ им. А. Ф. Иоффе (Санкт-Петербург), который является единственной в России профильной научной организацией, занимающейся исследованиями и разработками в сфере солнечной энергетики. Подробная информация на www.hevelsolar.com
Кош-Агачская СЭС - Вики
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ruwikiorg.ru Кош-Агачская СЭС - WikiVisually1. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians 2. Республика Алтай – The Altai Republic is a federal subject of Russia. Its capital is the town of Gorno-Altaysk, the area of the republic is 92,600 square kilometers, and its population is 206,168. The Xiongnu Empire governed the territory of the modern Altai Republic, the ethnicity of this empire is unclear, proposals by scholars include Turkic, Mongolic, Yeniseian, Tocharian, Iranian, and Uralic. The southern part of the Altai Republic came under the Naiman Khanate, territory of the modern Altai Republic has been ruled by the Mongolic Xianbei state, Rouran Khaganate, Mongol Empire, Golden Horde, Zunghar Khanate and Qing Empire. The Qing period is a period with supervisor of two Altan Nuur Uriankhai Governor Banners and part of the seven Altai Uriankhai banners. Since 1820s, the border check was less frequent and Chuy drainage basin has been occupied by Russians. The original name for this region was Bazla, on January 7,1948 it was renamed Gorno-Altai Autonomous Oblast. In 1991 it was reorganized into the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1992 it was renamed as the Altai Republic. The Altai Republic is situated in the center of Asia at the junction of the Siberian taiga, the steppes of Kazakhstan. Forests cover about 25% of the republics territory, area,92,600 km2 Borders, internal, Kemerovo Oblast, Republic of Khakassia, Tuva Republic, and Altai Krai. The republics largest rivers are the Katun and the Biya, both of which originate in the mountains and flow northwards, the junction of the two rivers eventually forms the Ob River, one of the longest rivers in Siberia, which flows northward to the Arctic Ocean. The source of the black Biya River is Lake Teletskoye, the regions largest lake located in an area far south in the mountains. The emerald-colored Katun River has its source at the Gebler glacier, the hydrographic network of the Republic also includes approximately 7,000 lakes, adding up to a total area of more than 700 km2. The largest lake is Lake Teletskoye, which is 80 km long and 5 kilometers wide, has an area of 230.8 square kilometers, the mountain lakes of Altai contain enormous freshwater reserves of a very pure quality as a result of their distance from most human activity. Lake Teletskoye alone contains more than 40 cubic kilometers of highly pure water, potential ground water storage is evaluated at 22 million m³ per day, while the present use constitutes about 44,000 m³ per day. The most striking aspect of the Republic of Altai is its mountainous terrain. The Republic is situated within the Russian part of the Altai Mountains system, the Republics highest peak, Mount Belukha, is the highest point in Siberia. Various bodies of water are among the most important natural resources of the Republic, mineral and hot springs are popular destinations for tourists and locals, sought for their therapeutic effects 3. Китайская Народная Республика – China, officially the Peoples Republic of China, is a unitary sovereign state in East Asia and the worlds most populous country, with a population of over 1.381 billion. The state is governed by the Communist Party of China and its capital is Beijing, the countrys major urban areas include Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Hong Kong. China is a power and a major regional power within Asia. Chinas landscape is vast and diverse, ranging from forest steppes, the Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from much of South and Central Asia. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third and sixth longest in the world, respectively, Chinas coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometers long and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East China and South China seas. China emerged as one of the worlds earliest civilizations in the basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, Chinas political system was based on hereditary monarchies known as dynasties, in 1912, the Republic of China replaced the last dynasty and ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949, when it was defeated by the communist Peoples Liberation Army in the Chinese Civil War. The Communist Party established the Peoples Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949, both the ROC and PRC continue to claim to be the legitimate government of all China, though the latter has more recognition in the world and controls more territory. China had the largest economy in the world for much of the last two years, during which it has seen cycles of prosperity and decline. Since the introduction of reforms in 1978, China has become one of the worlds fastest-growing major economies. As of 2016, it is the worlds second-largest economy by nominal GDP, China is also the worlds largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods. China is a nuclear weapons state and has the worlds largest standing army. The PRC is a member of the United Nations, as it replaced the ROC as a permanent member of the U. N. Security Council in 1971. China is also a member of numerous formal and informal multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BCIM, the English name China is first attested in Richard Edens 1555 translation of the 1516 journal of the Portuguese explorer Duarte Barbosa. The demonym, that is, the name for the people, Portuguese China is thought to derive from Persian Chīn, and perhaps ultimately from Sanskrit Cīna. Cīna was first used in early Hindu scripture, including the Mahābhārata, there are, however, other suggestions for the derivation of China. The official name of the state is the Peoples Republic of China. The shorter form is China Zhōngguó, from zhōng and guó and it was then applied to the area around Luoyi during the Eastern Zhou and then to Chinas Central Plain before being used as an occasional synonym for the state under the Qing 4. Монголия – Mongolia /mɒŋˈɡoʊliə/ is a landlocked unitary sovereign state in East Asia. Its area is equivalent with the historical territory of Outer Mongolia. It is sandwiched between China to the south and Russia to the north, while it does not share a border with Kazakhstan, Mongolia is separated from it by only 36.76 kilometers. At 1,564,116 square kilometers, Mongolia is the 18th largest and it is also the worlds second-largest landlocked country behind Kazakhstan and the largest landlocked country that does not border a closed sea. The country contains very little land, as much of its area is covered by grassy steppe, with mountains to the north and west. Ulaanbaatar, the capital and largest city, is home to about 45% of the countrys population, approximately 30% of the population is nomadic or semi-nomadic, horse culture is still integral. The majority of its population are Buddhists, the non-religious population is the second largest group. Islam is the dominant religion among ethnic Kazakhs, the majority of the states citizens are of Mongol ethnicity, although Kazakhs, Tuvans, and other minorities also live in the country, especially in the west. Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic, the area of what is now Mongolia has been ruled by various nomadic empires, including the Xiongnu, the Xianbei, the Rouran, the Turkic Khaganate, and others. In 1206, Genghis Khan founded the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history. His grandson Kublai Khan conquered China to establish the Yuan dynasty, after the collapse of the Yuan, the Mongols retreated to Mongolia and resumed their earlier pattern of factional conflict, except during the era of Dayan Khan and Tumen Zasagt Khan. In the 16th century, Tibetan Buddhism began to spread in Mongolia, being led by the Manchu-founded Qing dynasty. By the early 1900s, almost one-third of the male population were Buddhist monks. After the collapse of the Qing dynasty in 1911, Mongolia declared independence from the Qing dynasty, shortly thereafter, the country came under the control of the Soviet Union, which had aided its independence from China. In 1924, the Mongolian Peoples Republic was declared as a Soviet satellite state, after the anti-Communist revolutions of 1989, Mongolia conducted its own peaceful democratic revolution in early 1990. This led to a multi-party system, a new constitution of 1992, homo erectus inhabited Mongolia from 850,000 years ago. Modern humans reached Mongolia approximately 40,000 years ago during the Upper Paleolithic, the Khoit Tsenkher Cave in Khovd Province shows lively pink, brown, and red ochre paintings of mammoths, lynx, bactrian camels, and ostriches, earning it the nickname the Lascaux of Mongolia. The venus figurines of Malta testify to the level of Upper Paleolithic art in northern Mongolia, the wheeled vehicles found in the burials of the Afanasevans have been dated to before 2200 BC 5. Казахстан – Kazakhstan, officially the Republic of Kazakhstan, is a transcontinental country in northern Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Kazakhstan is the worlds largest landlocked country, and the ninth largest in the world, Kazakhstan is the dominant nation of Central Asia economically, generating 60% of the regions GDP, primarily through its oil/gas industry. It also has vast mineral resources, Kazakhstan is officially a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic with a diverse cultural heritage. Kazakhstan shares borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, the terrain of Kazakhstan includes flatlands, steppe, taiga, rock canyons, hills, deltas, snow-capped mountains, and deserts. Kazakhstan has an estimated 18 million people as of 2014, Given its large area, its population density is among the lowest. The capital is Astana, where it was moved in 1997 from Almaty, the territory of Kazakhstan has historically been inhabited by nomadic tribes. This changed in the 13th century, when Genghis Khan occupied the country as part of the Mongolian Empire, following internal struggles among the conquerors, power eventually reverted to the nomads. By the 16th century, the Kazakh emerged as a distinct group, the Russians began advancing into the Kazakh steppe in the 18th century, and by the mid-19th century, they nominally ruled all of Kazakhstan as part of the Russian Empire. Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, and subsequent civil war, the territory of Kazakhstan was reorganised several times, in 1936, it was made the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, part of the Soviet Union. Kazakhstan was the last of the Soviet republics to declare independence during the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan has worked to develop its economy, especially its dominant hydrocarbon industry. Kazakhstans 131 ethnicities include Kazakhs, Russians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Germans, Tatars, the Kazakh language is the state language, and Russian has equal official status for all levels of administrative and institutional purposes. The name Kazakh comes from the ancient Turkic word qaz, to wander, the name Cossack is of the same origin. The Persian suffix -stan means land or place of, so Kazakhstan can be translated as land of the wanderers. Kazakhstan has been inhabited since the Neolithic Age, the regions climate, archaeologists believe that humans first domesticated the horse in the regions vast steppes. Central Asia was originally inhabited by the Scythians, the Cuman entered the steppes of modern-day Kazakhstan around the early 11th century, where they later joined with the Kipchak and established the vast Cuman-Kipchak confederation. Under the Mongol Empire, the largest in history, administrative districts were established. These eventually came under the rule of the emergent Kazakh Khanate, throughout this period, traditional nomadic life and a livestock-based economy continued to dominate the steppe. Nevertheless, the region was the focus of ever-increasing disputes between the native Kazakh emirs and the neighbouring Persian-speaking peoples to the south, at its height the Khanate would rule parts of Central Asia and control Cumania 6. Тыва – The Tyva Republic, Tyva or Tuva is a federal subject of Russia. It lies in the center of Asia, in southern Siberia. The republic borders the Altai Republic, the Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, and its capital is the city of Kyzyl. It has a population of 307,930, from 1921 until 1944, Tuva constituted a sovereign, independent nation, under the name of Tannu Tuva, officially, the Tuvan Peoples Republic, or the Peoples Republic of Tannu Tuva. The independence of Tannu Tuva, however, was recognized only by its neighbors, a majority of the people are ethnic Tuvans who speak Tuvan as their native tongue, while Russian is spoken natively by the Russian minority, both are official and widely understood in the country. Tuva is governed by the Great Khural, which elects a chairman for a four-year term, the current chairman is Sholban Kara-ool. The territory of Tuva has been controlled by the Xiongnu Empire and Mongolian Xianbei state, Rouran Khaganate, Mongol Empire, Northern Yuan, Khotgoid Khanate, medieval Mongol tribes, including Oirats and Tumeds inhabited in the territory of republic. In 1758–1911 it was brought under Manchu rule, during the 1911 revolution in China, tsarist Russia formed a separatist movement among the Tyvans. Tsar Nicholas II ordered Russian troops into Tyva in 1912, as Russian settlers were allegedly being attacked, Tyva became nominally independent as the Urjanchai Republic before being brought under Russian protectorate as Uryankhay Kray under Tsar Nicholas II on 17 April 1914. This move was requested by a number of prominent Tyvans, including the High Lama. A Tyvan capital was established, called Belotsarsk, meanwhile, in 1911 Mongolia became independent, though under Russian protection. Following the Russian Revolution of 1917 that ended the imperial autocracy, pyotr Ivanovich Turchaninov was named governor of the territory. In the autumn of 1918 the southwestern part was occupied by Chinese troops, from July 1919 to February 1920 the communist Red Army controlled Tyva, but from 19 February 1920 to June 1921 it was occupied by China. On August 14,1921 the Bolsheviks established a Tuvan Peoples Republic, in 1926, the capital was renamed Kyzyl, meaning red. Tyva was de jure an independent state between the World Wars, the states first ruler, Prime Minister Donduk, sought to strengthen ties with Mongolia and establish Buddhism as the state religion. This unsettled the Kremlin, which orchestrated a coup carried out in 1929 by five young Tyvan graduates of Moscows Communist University of the Toilers of the East. In 1930 the pro-Soviet regime discarded the states Mongol script in favor of a Latin alphabet designed for Tyva by Russian linguists, Tyva voluntarily became a part of The Soviet Union in 1944, with the approval of Tyvas Little Khural. The exact circumstances surrounding Tannu-Tuvas incorporation into the USSR in 1944 remain obscure, salchak Toka, the leader of Tyvan communists, was given the title of First Secretary of the Tyvan Communist Party, and became the de facto ruler of Tyva until his death in 1973 7. Хакасия – The Republic of Khakassia or Khakasiya is a federal subject of Russia. Its capital city is Abakan, which is also the largest city in the republic, as of the 2010 Census, the republics population was 532,403. It stretches for 460 kilometers from north to south and for 200 kilometers from east to west, mountains cover two thirds of the republics territory and serve as the natural boundaries of the republic. The remaining territory is flat, with the Minusinsk Hollow being the most prominent feature, the Yenisei is the largest river in the republic. Other significant rivers include the Abakan, the Tom, and the Chulym, there are over three hundred lakes in the republic, both salt- and fresh-water. Climate is continental, with the annual temperature of 0 °C. Natural resources are abundant and include iron, gold, silver, coal, oil, molybdenum deposits are the largest in Russia. Forests cover the south and the west of the republic, the territory of modern Khakassia was the core of the old Yenisei Kirghiz state from the 6th century CE. In the 13th century, following a defeat by the Mongols, modern Khakas people regard themselves as the descendants of those Kyrgyz who remained in Siberia. Khakassia was incorporated into the Russian state under Peter the Great and this incorporation was confirmed in a treaty between Russia and China in 1729. As it was common to deport convicted criminals from European Russia to Siberia, many prisoners remained even after release. Many of the indigenous Khakas people converted to the Russian Orthodox faith, by the time of the 1917 Russian Revolution, Russians made up approximately half of the population. Under Soviet rule, autonomy was granted on October 20,1930, the borders of the autonomy are the same as the borders of the modern Khakas Republic. During the 1920s and 1930s, the Soviet authorities resettled an estimated quarter of a million Russians in the region and these were followed by 10,000 Volga Germans deported in World War II. By the time of the 1959 Census, ethnic Khakas people represented little more than 10% of the population, until 1991, Khakas Autonomous Oblast was administratively subordinated to Krasnoyarsk Krai. In July 1991, it was elevated in status to that of a Soviet socialist republic, TFR source 2009 -12 According to the 2010 Russian Census, ethnic Russians make up 81. 7% of the republics population, while ethnic Khakas are only 12. 1%. Other groups include ethnic Germans, Ukrainians, Tatars, and a host of smaller groups, According to a 2012 official survey 31. 2% of the population adheres to Slavic native faith or Khakas Tengrism and folk religion, 1% to Islam, 1% to forms of Protestantism,0. 4% to forms of Hinduism and another 0. 4% to Tibetan Buddhism 8. Кемеровская область – Kemerovo Oblast, also known as Kuzbass after the Kuznetsk Basin, is a federal subject of Russia, located in southwestern Siberia, where the West Siberian Plain meets the South Siberian mountains. Kemerovo is the center of the oblast, though Novokuznetsk is the largest city in the oblast. Kemerovo Oblast is one of Russias most urbanized regions, with over 70% of the living in its nine principal cities. Its ethnic composition is predominantly Russian, but Ukrainians, Tatars, the population recorded during the 2010 Census was 2,763,135. The oblast was established on January 26,1943, but it has considerably older antecedents, shors, Teleuts and Siberian Tatars are native peoples of the region. The oldest city in Kemerovo Oblast is Novokuznetsk, founded in 1618, the territory of modern Kemerovo Oblast has been inhabited for several thousand years. In 1618, Kuznetsk fort was established in the south of the future oblast to protect the land from Russian and Mongolian Dzhungarian invaders, during the 19th century, the territory of the modern oblast was a part of Tomsk Governorate. After the October Revolution Kuzbass becomes part of the West Siberian Krai, industrial enterprises are being built near the workers settlements, which quickly became a city, Kiselevsk Osinniki Krasnobrodsky, Tashtagol Kaltan Mezhdurechensk and others. During the Great Patriotic War, Kemerovo region became a supplier of coal and metal. From Novokuznetsk steel produced over 50,000 tanks and 45,000 aircraft, in Kuzbass from the occupied areas were evacuated equipment 71 enterprises, most of which have remained in the Kuzbass. In the new Oblast included 17. 5% of the Novosibirsk region,9 of the 12 cities of regional subordination,17 of the 20 workers settlements,23 of the 75 districts, the population of the Kemerovo Oblast was 42% of the total population of the Novosibirsk Oblast. The climate of the oblast is continental, winters are cold and long, summers are warm, the average January temperature ranges from −17 to −20 °C, the average in July is 17 to 18 °C. Average annual precipitation ranges from 300 millimeters on the plains and the foothills of up to 1,000 millimeters or more in mountainous areas. The duration of the period is 100 days in the north area. Kemerovo Oblast is one of Russias most important industrial regions, with some of the worlds largest deposits of coal, the south of the region is dominated by metallurgy and the mining industry, as well as mechanical engineering and chemical production. The northern area of the region is more agricultural, the region has a dense railway network, including the Trans-Siberian Railway, which passes through the oblast. Prokopevsk, Kiselevsk, and Andzhero-Sudzhensk are coal-producing centers, and Novokuznetsk is the center of the engineering industry, since 1991, CPSU lost all the power, and the head of the Oblast administration, and eventually the governor was appointed/elected alongside elected regional parliament. The Charter of Kemerovo Oblast is the law of the region 9. Алтайский край – Altai Krai is a federal subject of Russia. It borders with, clockwise from the west, Kazakhstan, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo Oblasts, the krais administrative center is the city of Barnaul. As of the 2010 Census, the population of the krai was 2,419,755, Altai Krai has rolling foothills, grasslands, lakes, rivers, and mountains. The climate is severe with long dry winters and hot. The regions main waterway is the Ob River, the Biya and Katun Rivers are also important. The biggest lakes are Lake Kulundinskoye, Lake Kuchukskoye, and Lake Mikhaylovskoye, Altai Krai has huge reserves of raw materials, especially materials used for building, as well as significant mineral reserves. These include nonferrous metals, lead and iron ores, manganese, tungsten, molybdenum, bauxite, forests cover about 60,000 km² of the krais land. See also Geography of South-Central Siberia, the Altai bees are hardy and healthy they are renowned for producing some of the worlds finest organic honeys. Historically honey was used by the peoples of Altai and Bashkiria as payment or yasak to the Russian Tsars and this area is part of a great crossroads in the ancient world. Nomadic tribes crossed through the territory during periods of migration, the nomadic tribes were composed of different peoples. Archeological sites reveal that ancient humans lived in the area, the Altay people are a Turkic people, some of whom have settled here, who were originally nomadic and date back to the 2nd millennium BCE. The territory of the krai has been controlled by the Xiongnu Empire and Mongolian Xianbei state, Rouran Khaganate, Mongol Empire, Golden Horde, Northern Yuan and Zunghar Khanate. Ref. Lietuvos žydų tremtinių sąrašas Parengė Galina Žirikova pagal, „Genocido aukų vardynas 1939-1941 m. “ Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos centras, the flag of Altai Krai is red and blue with a yellow stripe on it as a symbol of agriculture. In the center of the flag is the coat of arms of Altai Krai, the coat of arms of Altai Krai was established in 2000. It includes a shield of French heraldry form with a basement of 8/10th of its height, bottom edges of the shield are rounded. The shield is divided with a horizontal stripe into two equal parts, in the upper part has a blue background, which is a symbol of glory, is a steamy oven of the 18th century, which reflects a historical past of the krai. In the bottom part on the red background, which is a symbol of dignity, braveness and courage, is an image of the Koluvan Queen of Vases mainly in green color, which is kept in the Hermitage Museum. The shield is framed with golden wheat ears which represent agriculture as an industry of Altai Krai 10. Кош-Агачский район – Kosh-Agachsky District is an administrative and municipal district, one of the ten in the Altai Republic, Russia. It is located in the south and southeast of the republic, the area of the district is 19,845 square kilometers. Its administrative center is the locality of Kosh-Agach. As of the 2010 Census, the population of the district was 18,263. Within the framework of administrative divisions, Kosh-Agachsky District is one of the ten in the Altai Republic, as a municipal division, the district is incorporated as Kosh-Agachsky Municipal District. Both administrative and municipal districts are divided into the twelve rural settlements. The selo of Kosh-Agach serves as the center of both the administrative and municipal district. Государственное Собрание —Эл Курултай Республики Алтай, Закон №101-РЗ от10 ноября2008 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Республики Алтай», в ред, Закона №51-РЗ от6 октября2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Алтай Об административно-территориальном устройстве Республики Алтай», Вступил в силу по истечении10 дней после дня официального опубликования. Опубликован, Приложение к газете Звезда Алтая,14 ноября2008 г, Государственное Собрание —Эл Курултай Республики Алтай. Закон №10-РЗ от13 января2005 г, «Об образовании муниципальных образований, наделении соответствующим статусом и установлении их границ», в ред. Закона №12-РЗ от31 марта2015 г, Опубликован, Звезда Алтая, №7–8, №23–24,18 января2005 г.5 февраля2005 г wikivisually.com ООО "КОШ-АГАЧСКАЯ СЭС" - с. Мухор-ТархатаКомпания "КОШ-АГАЧСКАЯ СЭС", дата регистрации – 12 марта 2012 года, регистратор — Межрайонная Инспекция Федеральной Налоговой Службы №4 по республике АЛТАЙ. Полное официальное наименование — ОБЩЕСТВО С ОГРАНИЧЕННОЙ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬЮ "КОШ-АГАЧСКАЯ СОЛНЕЧНАЯ ЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЯ". Юридический адрес: 649779, Республика АЛТАЙ, КОШ-АГАЧСКИЙ район, с. МУХОР-ТАРХАТА, ул. МАСКАНОВА, д. 7. Телефоны/факсы: +7 (913) 999-19-95. Основным видом деятельности является: "Производство пара и горячей воды (тепловой энергии) прочими электростанциями и промышленными блок-станциями". Организация также зарегистрирована в таких категориях как: "Деятельность по обеспечению работоспособности электрических сетей", "Передача электроэнергии", "Распределение электроэнергии". Генеральный директор — Андрей Николаевич Ялбаков. Организационно-правовая форма — общества с ограниченной ответственностью. Тип собственности — частная собственность.
40.30.13 Производство пара и горячей воды (тепловой энергии) прочими электростанциями и промышленными блок-станциями40.10.50 Деятельность по обеспечению работоспособности электрических сетей40.10.20 Передача электроэнергии40.10.30 Распределение электроэнергии31.62.90 Предоставление услуг по монтажу, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию прочего электрооборудования, не включенного в другие группировки45.10 Подготовка строительного участка31.20.90 Предоставление услуг по монтажу, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию электрической распределительной и регулирующей аппаратуры40.10.44 Деятельность по обеспечению работоспособности прочих электростанций и промышленных блок-станций45.20 Строительство зданий и сооружений45.11 Разборка и снос зданий; производство земляных работ
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