"СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" ФЛ ОАО "ВИЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3". Светлинская гэсСветлинская ГЭС Википедия
Светлинская ГЭС (Вилюйская ГЭС-III) — строящаяся гидроэлектростанция на реке Вилюй в Якутии, у посёлка Светлый. Входит в Вилюйский каскад ГЭС, являясь его второй ступенью. Собственник станции — АО «Вилюйская ГЭС-3», дочернее общество компании АЛРОСА. Конструкция станции[ | код]Светлинская ГЭС представляет собой плотинную русловую гидроэлектростанцию с водосбросными сооружениями, совмещенными со зданием ГЭС. Состав сооружений ГЭС:[1]
Проектная мощность ГЭС — 370 МВт, проектная среднегодовая выработка — 1,2 млрд кВт·ч. В здании ГЭС по проекту должно быть установлено 4 поворотно-гидроагрегата мощностью по 92,5 МВт с поворотно-лопастными турбинами, работающими при расчётном напоре 22,8 м. По состоянию на 2018 год введено в эксплуатацию 3 гидроагрегата на пониженном напоре, мощность ГЭС составляет 277,5 МВт, среднегодовая выработка - 750 млн кВт·ч[1]. По проекту напорные сооружения ГЭС должны образовать водохранилище с НПУ 181 м, площадью 104 км², полной и полезной ёмкостью 1,126 и 0,195 км³, длиной 141,2 км, шириной до 0,46 км, глубиной до 50 м. При создан ru-wiki.ru Светлинская ГЭС - WikiVisually1. Россия – Russia, also officially the Russian Federation, is a country in Eurasia. The European western part of the country is more populated and urbanised than the eastern. Russias capital Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world, other urban centers include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a range of environments. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk, the East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, in 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus ultimately disintegrated into a number of states, most of the Rus lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion. The Soviet Union played a role in the Allied victory in World War II. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the worlds first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the second largest economy, largest standing military in the world. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic, the Russian economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russias extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the producers of oil. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has been characterised as a potential superpower. The name Russia is derived from Rus, a state populated mostly by the East Slavs. However, this name became more prominent in the later history, and the country typically was called by its inhabitants Русская Земля. In order to distinguish this state from other states derived from it, it is denoted as Kievan Rus by modern historiography, an old Latin version of the name Rus was Ruthenia, mostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия, comes from the Byzantine Greek designation of the Kievan Rus, the standard way to refer to citizens of Russia is Russians in English and rossiyane in Russian. There are two Russian words which are translated into English as Russians 2. Река – A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. In some cases a river flows into the ground and becomes dry at the end of its course without reaching another body of water, small rivers can be referred to using names such as stream, creek, brook, rivulet, and rill. There are no official definitions for the term river as applied to geographic features. Many names for small rivers are specific to geographic location, examples are run in parts of the United States, burn in Scotland and northeast England. Sometimes a river is defined as being larger than a creek, but not always, Rivers are part of the hydrological cycle. Potamology is the study of rivers while limnology is the study of inland waters in general. Extraterrestrial rivers of liquid hydrocarbons have recently found on Titan. Channels may indicate past rivers on other planets, specifically outflow channels on Mars and rivers are theorised to exist on planets, a river begins at a source, follows a path called a course, and ends at a mouth or mouths. The water in a river is confined to a channel. In larger rivers there is also a wider floodplain shaped by flood-waters over-topping the channel. Floodplains may be wide in relation to the size of the river channel. This distinction between river channel and floodplain can be blurred, especially in areas where the floodplain of a river channel can become greatly developed by housing. Rivers can flow down mountains, through valleys or along plains, the term upriver refers to the direction towards the source of the river, i. e. against the direction of flow. Likewise, the term describes the direction towards the mouth of the river. The term left bank refers to the bank in the direction of flow. The river channel typically contains a stream of water, but some rivers flow as several interconnecting streams of water. Extensive braided rivers are now found in only a few regions worldwide and they also occur on peneplains and some of the larger river deltas. Anastamosing rivers are similar to braided rivers and are quite rare 3. Киловатт-час – The kilowatt-hour is a derived unit of energy equal to 3.6 megajoules. If the energy is being transmitted or used at a constant rate over a period of time, the kilowatt-hour is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities. The kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy equivalent to one kilowatt of power sustained for one hour. 1 k W ⋅ h = =3600 =3600 k J =3.6 M J One watt is equal to 1 J/s. One kilowatt-hour is 3.6 megajoules, which is the amount of energy converted if work is done at a rate of one thousand watts for one hour. The base unit of energy within the International System of Units is the joule, the hour is a unit of time outside the SI, making the kilowatt-hour a non-SI unit of energy. The kilowatt-hour is not listed among the non-SI units accepted by the BIPM for use with the SI, although the hour, an electric heater rated at 1000 watts, operating for one hour uses one kilowatt-hour of energy. A television rated at 100 watts operating for 10 hours continuously uses one kilowatt-hour, a 40-watt light bulb operating continuously for 25 hours uses one kilowatt-hour. Electrical energy is sold in kilowatt-hours, cost of running equipment is the product of power in kilowatts multiplied by running time in hours, the unit price of electricity may depend upon the rate of consumption and the time of day. Industrial users may also have extra charges according to their peak usage, the symbol kWh is commonly used in commercial, educational, scientific and media publications, and is the usual practice in electrical power engineering. Other abbreviations and symbols may be encountered, kW h is less commonly used and it is consistent with SI standards. This is supported by a standard issued jointly by an international and national organization. However, at least one major usage guide and the IEEE/ASTM standard allow kWh, One guide published by NIST specifically recommends avoiding kWh to avoid possible confusion. KW·h is, like kW h, preferred with SI standards, the US official fuel-economy window sticker for electric vehicles uses the abbreviation kW-hrs. Variations in capitalization are sometimes seen, KWh, KWH, kwh, the notation kW/h, as a symbol for kilowatt-hour, is not correct. To convert a quantity measured in a unit in the column to the units in the top row, multiply by the factor in the cell where the row. All the SI prefixes are commonly applied to the watt-hour, a kilowatt-hour is 1,000 W·h (symbols kW·h, kWh or kW h, a megawatt-hour is 1 million W·h, a milliwatt-hour is 1/1000 W·h and so on. Megawatt-hours, gigawatt-hours, and terawatt-hours are often used for metering larger amounts of energy to industrial customers 4. Напор – Hydraulic head or piezometric head is a specific measurement of liquid pressure above a geodetic datum. It is usually measured as a surface elevation, expressed in units of length. In an aquifer, it can be calculated from the depth to water in a piezometric well, hydraulic head can similarly be measured in a column of water using a standpipe piezometer by measuring the height of the water surface in the tube relative to a common datum. The hydraulic head can be used to determine a hydraulic gradient between two or more points, in fluid dynamics, head is a concept that relates the energy in an incompressible fluid to the height of an equivalent static column of that fluid. Head is expressed in units of such as meters or feet. The static head of a pump is the height it can deliver. The capability of the pump at a certain RPM can be read from its Q-H curve, a common misconception is that the head equals the fluids energy per unit weight, while, in fact, the term with pressure does not represent any type of energy. Head is useful in specifying centrifugal pumps because their pumping characteristics tend to be independent of the fluids density, there are four types of head used to calculate the total head in and out of a pump, Velocity head is due to the bulk motion of a fluid. Its pressure head correspondent is the dynamic pressure, elevation head is due to the fluids weight, the gravitational force acting on a column of fluid. Pressure head is due to the pressure, the internal molecular motion of a fluid that exerts a force on its container. Resistance head is due to the forces acting against a fluids motion by the container. In a flowing fluid, it represents the energy of the due to its bulk motion. The total hydraulic head of a fluid is composed of pressure head, the pressure head is the equivalent gauge pressure of a column of water at the base of the piezometer, and the elevation head is the relative potential energy in terms of an elevation. The head equation, a form of the Bernoulli Principle for incompressible fluids, can be expressed as, h = ψ + z where h is the hydraulic head. This means that the hydraulic head calculation is dependent on the density of the water within the piezometer, for groundwater, it is also called the Darcy slope, since it determines the quantity of a Darcy flux or discharge. It also has applications in open-channel flow where it can be used to determine whether a reach is gaining or losing energy. This requires a hydraulic head field, which can only be obtained from a numerical model. As with any other example in physics, energy must flow from high to low and this vector can be used in conjunction with Darcys law and a tensor of hydraulic conductivity to determine the flux of water in three dimensions 5. Поворотно-лопастная турбина – The Kaplan turbine is a propeller-type water turbine which has adjustable blades. The Kaplan turbine was an evolution of the Francis turbine and its invention allowed efficient power production in low-head applications that was not possible with Francis turbines. The head ranges from 10–70 metres and the output from 5 to 200 MW, runner diameters are between 2 and 11 metres. Turbines rotate at a constant rate, which varies from facility to facility and that rate ranges from as low as 69.2 rpm to 429 rpm. Kaplan turbines are now used throughout world in high-flow, low-head power production. Viktor Kaplan living in Brno, Czech Republic, obtained his first patent for an adjustable blade propeller turbine in 1912, but the development of a commercially successful machine would take another decade. Kaplan struggled with problems, and in 1922 abandoned his research for health reasons. In 1919 Kaplan installed a demonstration unit at Poděbrady, Czechoslovakia, in 1922 Voith introduced an 1100 HP Kaplan turbine for use mainly on rivers. In 1924 an 8 MW unit went on line at Lilla Edet and this marked the commercial success and widespread acceptance of Kaplan turbines. The Kaplan turbine is an outward flow turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the turbine. Power is recovered from both the head and from the kinetic energy of the flowing water. The design combines features of radial and axial turbines, the inlet is a scroll-shaped tube that wraps around the turbines wicket gate. Water is directed tangentially through the gate and spirals on to a propeller shaped runner. The outlet is a specially shaped tube that helps decelerate the water and recover kinetic energy. The turbine does not need to be at the lowest point of water flow as long as the tube remains full of water. A higher turbine location, however, increases the suction that is imparted on the blades by the draft tube. The resulting pressure drop may lead to cavitation, variable geometry of the wicket gate and turbine blades allow efficient operation for a range of flow conditions. Kaplan turbine efficiencies are typically over 90%, but may be lower in very low head applications, current areas of research include CFD driven efficiency improvements and new designs that raise survival rates of fish passing through 6. Секунда – The second is the base unit of time in the International System of Units. It is qualitatively defined as the division of the hour by sixty. SI definition of second is the duration of 9192631770 periods of the corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. Seconds may be measured using a mechanical, electrical or an atomic clock, SI prefixes are combined with the word second to denote subdivisions of the second, e. g. the millisecond, the microsecond, and the nanosecond. Though SI prefixes may also be used to form multiples of the such as kilosecond. The second is also the unit of time in other systems of measurement, the centimetre–gram–second, metre–kilogram–second, metre–tonne–second. Absolute zero implies no movement, and therefore zero external radiation effects, the second thus defined is consistent with the ephemeris second, which was based on astronomical measurements. The realization of the second is described briefly in a special publication from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 1 international second is equal to, 1⁄60 minute 1⁄3,600 hour 1⁄86,400 day 1⁄31,557,600 Julian year 1⁄, more generally, = 1⁄, the Hellenistic astronomers Hipparchus and Ptolemy subdivided the day into sixty parts. They also used an hour, simple fractions of an hour. No sexagesimal unit of the day was used as an independent unit of time. The modern second is subdivided using decimals - although the third remains in some languages. The earliest clocks to display seconds appeared during the last half of the 16th century, the second became accurately measurable with the development of mechanical clocks keeping mean time, as opposed to the apparent time displayed by sundials. The earliest spring-driven timepiece with a hand which marked seconds is an unsigned clock depicting Orpheus in the Fremersdorf collection. During the 3rd quarter of the 16th century, Taqi al-Din built a clock with marks every 1/5 minute, in 1579, Jost Bürgi built a clock for William of Hesse that marked seconds. In 1581, Tycho Brahe redesigned clocks that displayed minutes at his observatory so they also displayed seconds, however, they were not yet accurate enough for seconds. In 1587, Tycho complained that his four clocks disagreed by plus or minus four seconds, in 1670, London clockmaker William Clement added this seconds pendulum to the original pendulum clock of Christiaan Huygens. From 1670 to 1680, Clement made many improvements to his clock and this clock used an anchor escapement mechanism with a seconds pendulum to display seconds in a small subdial 7. Шлюз (гидротехническое сооружение) – A lock is a device used for raising and lowering boats, ships and other watercraft between stretches of water of different levels on river and canal waterways. Locks are used to make a more easily navigable, or to allow a canal to cross land that is not level. Later canals used more and larger locks to allow a direct route to be taken. Since 2016 the largest lock worldwide is the Kieldrecht Lock in the Port of Antwerp, a pound lock is a type of lock that is used almost exclusively nowadays on canals and rivers. A pound lock has a chamber with gates at both ends that control the level of water in the pound, in contrast, an earlier design with a single gate was known as a flash lock. Pound locks were first used in medieval China during the Song Dynasty, having been pioneered by the government official and engineer Qiao Weiyue in 984. The gates were hanging gates, when they were closed the water accumulated like a tide until the level was reached. The water level could differ by 4 feet or 5 feet at each lock, in medieval Europe a sort of pound lock was built in 1373 at Vreeswijk, Netherlands. This pound lock serviced many ships at once in a large basin, yet the first true pound lock was built in 1396 at Damme near Bruges, Belgium. A famous civil engineer of pound locks in Europe was the Italian Bertola da Novate, who constructed 18 of them on the Naviglio di Bereguardo between the years 1452 and 1458. When a stretch of river is navigable, a lock is sometimes required to bypass an obstruction such as a rapid, dam. In large scale river navigation improvements, weirs and locks are used together, a river improved by these means is often called a Waterway or River Navigation. Sometimes a river is made entirely non-tidal by constructing a sea lock directly into the estuary, in more advanced river navigations, more locks are required. Where a longer cut bypasses a stretch of river, the upstream end of the cut will often be protected by a flood lock. The longer the cut, the greater the difference in level between start and end of the cut, so that a very long cut will need additional locks along its length. At this point, the cut is, in effect, a canal, Early completely artificial canals, across fairly flat countryside, would get round a small hill or depression by simply detouring around it. However, locks continued to be built to supplement these solutions, all pound locks have three elements, A watertight chamber connecting the upper and lower canals, and large enough to enclose one or more boats. The position of the chamber is fixed, but its level can vary 8. Распределительное устройство – In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgears are used both to de-energize equipment to work to be done and to clear faults downstream. This type of equipment is directly linked to the reliability of the electricity supply, the earliest central power stations used simple open knife switches, mounted on insulating panels of marble or asbestos. Power levels and voltages rapidly escalated, making opening manually operated switches too dangerous for anything other than isolation of a de-energized circuit, oil-filled equipment allowed arc energy to be contained and safely controlled. By the early 20th century, a switchgear line-up would be a structure with electrically operated switching elements. Today, oil-filled equipment has largely replaced by air-blast, vacuum, or SF6 equipment, allowing large currents. High-voltage switchgear was invented at the end of the 19th century for operating motors, the technology has been improved over time and can now be used with voltages up to 1,100 kV. Typically, switchgear in substations are located on both the high- and low-voltage sides of large power transformers, for industrial applications, a transformer and switchgear line-up may be combined in one housing, called a unitized substation. Switchgear also provides isolation of circuits from power supplies, switchgear is also used to enhance system availability by allowing more than one source to feed a load. Switchgears are as old as electricity generation, the first models were very primitive, all components were simply fixed to a wall. Later they were mounted on wooden panels, for reasons of fire protection, the wood was replaced by slate or marble. This led to an improvement, because the switching and measuring devices could be attached to the front. Switchgear for lower voltages may be enclosed within a building. For higher voltages, switchgear is typically mounted outdoors and insulated by air, gas-insulated switchgear saves space compared with air-insulated equipment, although the equipment cost is higher. Oil insulated switchgear presents an oil spill hazard, switches may be manually operated or have motor drives to allow for remote control. A switchgear may be a simple open-air isolator switch or it may be insulated by some other substance, an effective although more costly form of switchgear is the gas-insulated switchgear, where the conductors and contacts are insulated by pressurized sulfur hexafluoride gas. Other common types are oil or vacuum insulated switchgear, the combination of equipment within the switchgear enclosure allows them to interrupt fault currents of thousands of amps. A circuit breaker is the component that interrupts fault currents 9. Якутия – The Sakha Republic is a federal subject of Russia. It has a population of 958,528, consisting mainly of ethnic Yakuts and it is larger than Argentina and just smaller than India which covers an area of 3,287,590 square kilometers. Its capital is the city of Yakutsk, the Sakha Republic is one of the ten autonomous Turkic Republics within the Russian Federation. The hypercontinental tendencies also result in warm summers for much of the republic. Borders, internal, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Magadan Oblast, Khabarovsk Krai, Amur Oblast, Zabaykalsky Krai, Irkutsk Oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai. water, Arctic Ocean. These waters, the coldest and iciest of all seas in the Northern Hemisphere, are covered by ice for 9–10 months of the year, new Siberian Islands are a part of the republics territory. Sakha can be divided into three great vegetation belts, about 40% of Sakha lies above the Arctic circle and all of it is covered by permafrost which greatly influences the regions ecology and limits forests in the southern region. Arctic and subarctic tundra define the region, where lichen. In the southern part of the belt, scattered stands of dwarf Siberian pine. Below the tundra is the vast taiga forest region, larch trees dominate in the north and stands of fir and pine begin to appear in the south. Taiga forests cover about 47% of Sakha and almost 90% of the cover is larch, Sakha spans three time zones, Yakutsk Time Zone. Covers the republics territory to the west of the Lena River as well as the territories of the located on the both sides of the Lena River. Covers most of the territory located between 127°E and 140°E longitude. Covers most of the territory located east of 140°E longitude. Districts, Abyysky, Allaikhovsky, Momsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Srednekolymsky, Verkhnekolymsky, the Chersky Range runs east of the Verkhoyansk Range and has the highest peak in Sakha, Peak Pobeda. The second highest peak is Peak Mus-Khaya reaching 3,011 m, the Stanovoi Range borders Sakha in the south. Sakha is well endowed with raw materials, the soil contains large reserves of oil, gas, coal, diamonds, gold, silver, tin, tungsten and many others. Sakha produces 99% of all Russian diamonds and over 25% of the diamonds mined in the world, Sakha is known for its climate extremes, with the Verkhoyansk Range being the coldest area in the Northern Hemisphere 10. Светлый (Якутия) – As of the 2010 Census, its population was 3,137. It was founded in the late 1970s as a base for construction of a dam and hydroelectric plant. Urban-type settlement status was granted to Svetly in 1984, within the framework of administrative divisions, the urban-type settlement of Svetly is incorporated within Mirninsky District as the Settlement of Svetly. As a municipal division, the Settlement of Svetly is incorporated within Mirninsky Municipal District as Svetly Urban Settlement, vilyuyskaya GES-3 hydroelectric plant, with a capacity of 270 MW, is the principal employer. The power plant is managed by a company of diamond mining corporation ALROSA. Svetly is connected by a 33-kilometer road with the Anabar Highway between Mirny and Chernyshevsky, the Evenk village of Syuldyukar lies 25 kilometers downstream along the Vilyuy and can be reached by boat in summer or via winter roads when the river is frozen. Official website of the Sakha Republic, registry of the Administrative-Territorial Divisions of the Sakha Republic. Закон №173-З №353-III от30 ноября2004 г, «Об установлении границ и о наделении статусом городского и сельского поселений муниципальных образований Республики Саха », в ред. Закона №1058-З №1007-IV от25 апреля2012 г, «О внесении изменений в Закон Республики Саха Об установлении границ и о наделении статусом городского и сельского поселений муниципальных образований Республики Саха ». Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования, Опубликован, Якутия, №245,31 декабря2004 г wikivisually.com "СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" ФЛ ОАО "ВИЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3" - Республика САХА (ЯКУТИЯ), МИРНИНСКИЙ улус, рп. СВЕТЛЫЙ, ул. В. ВОРОПАЯ, д. 22АНА ЭНЕРГОСНАБЖЕНИЕ Отделение вневедомственной охраны по Сунтарскому району - филиал федерального государственного казенного учреждения "Управление вневедомственной охраны Министерства внутренних дел по Республике Саха (Якутия)" НА ПРАВО ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЯ ДОГОВОРА БЕЗВОЗМЕЗДНОГО ПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ МУНИЦИПАЛЬНЫМ ИМУЩЕСТВОМ, НАХОДЯЩИМСЯ В МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "ЖАРХАНСКИЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ НАСЛЕГ" ОЛЕКМИНСКОГО РАЙОНА РЕСПУБЛИКИ САХА (ЯКУТИЯ) Администрация муниципального образования "Жарханский национальный наслег" Олекминского района Республики Саха (Якутия) ВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ РАБОТ ПО УСТАНОВКЕ ПРИБОРОВ УЧЕТА ТЕПЛА МАРКИ ТЭМ-104 (ИЛИ ЭКВИВАЛЕНТ) В ЗДАНИИ СПОРТИВНОГО ЗАЛА «АВИАПОРТ» УЛ.СПОРТИВНАЯ Д.3, НАХОДЯЩЕГОСЯ В МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ МО «ПОСЕЛОК БАТАГАЙ» Муниципальное образование "Поселок Батагай" Верхоянского района Республики Саха (Якутия) ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ И УСТАНОВКА ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНЫХ ПРИБОРОВ УЧЕТА ТЕПЛОВОЙ ЭНЕРГИИ ЖИЛОГО ФОНДА МО "ГОРОД ТОММОТ" Администрация муниципального образования "Город Томмот" Алданского района Республики Саха (Якутия) ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ И ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ : ЯКУШАЛ П.ОКТЁМЦЫ(ГАЗОВАЯ), 9КМ ПОКРОВСКОГО ТРАКТА(УГОЛЬНАЯ), ДЛЯТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ, ВЫРАБОТКИ И ПОСТАВКИ ТЕПЛА ИКФИА СО РАН Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт космофизических исследований и аэрономии им. Ю.Г. Шафера Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук НА ПРИОБРЕТЕНИЕ И УСТАНОВКУ ТЕПЛОСЧЕТЧИКОВ, С ПОСТРОЙКОЙ ТЕПЛОПУНКТА ДЛЯ ЗДАНИЯ МБОУ «ЭГИНСКАЯ СОШ» ВЕРХОЯНСКОГО РАЙОНА РС (Я) Администрация муниципального образования "Верхоянский район" Республики Саха (Якутия) МУНИЦИПАЛЬНЫЙ КОНТРАКТ НА ЭНЕРГОСБЕРЕЖЕНИЕ 2014 ГОД муниципальное казенное учреждение "Муниципальный орган управления образования" администрации муниципального района "Сунтарский улус (район)" Республики Саха (Якутия) Многодетные семьи в Якутске требуют справедливостиПредполагалось, что на этой территории (мкр Северный) вырастет со временем полноценный квартал Якутска со всей сопутствующей инфраструктурой: дорогами, газом и электричеством, тремя школами, детсадами, магазином и рынком. В Якутии на берегу реки обнаружили парализованных чаекЖители Якутии на берегу реки Тюкян обнаружили парализованных чаек. Птицы не могли двигаться самостоятельно, двигая только головой. yakutsk7m.ru Светлинская ГЭС ФЛ АО "Виюйская ГЭС-3" (ИНН:1433015048)Общие сведения: Полное юридическое наименование: Филиал Акционерного общества "Вилюйская ГЭС-3" "Светлинская ГЭС" Контактная информация: Индекс: 678196 Адрес: РЕСПУБЛИКА САХА (ЯКУТИЯ),МИРНИНСКИЙ УЛУС,РП СВЕТЛЫЙ,УЛ В ВОРОПАЯ, 22А Юридический адрес: 678196, САХА /ЯКУТИЯ/ РЕСП, МИРНИНСКИЙ У, СВЕТЛЫЙ П, ВОРОПАЯ УЛ, 22, А Телефон: E-mail: Реквизиты компании: ИНН: 1433015048 КПП: ОКПО: 55668765 ОГРН: 1021400967037 ОКФС: 16 - Частная собственность ОКОГУ: 4210014 - Организации, учрежденные юридическими лицами или гражданами, или юридическими лицами и гражданами совместно ОКОПФ: 30002 - Филиалы юридических лиц ОКТМО: 98631157051 ФСФР: 20836-F ОКАТО: 98231557 - Республика Саха (Якутия), Улусы Республики Саха (Якутия), Мирнинский, Поселки Мирнинского улуса, Светлый Предприятия рядом: Вилюйское монтажное управление гидромонтаж, фл "УС Вилюйской ГЭС-III" ООО "ВИЛЮЙГЭССТРОЙ", ООО "СТС" - Посмотреть все на карте Виды деятельности: Основной (по коду ОКВЭД): 40.10.12 - Производство электроэнергии гидроэлектростанциями Найти похожие предприятия - в той же отрасли и регионе (с тем же ОКВЭД и ОКАТО) Дополнительные виды деятельности по ОКВЭД:
Краткая справка: Организация 'Филиал Акционерного общества "Вилюйская ГЭС-3" "Светлинская ГЭС"' зарегистрирована 12 июля 2002 года по адресу 678196, САХА /ЯКУТИЯ/ РЕСП, МИРНИНСКИЙ У, СВЕТЛЫЙ П, ВОРОПАЯ УЛ, 22, А. Компании был присвоен ОГРН 1021400967037 и выдан ИНН 1433015048. Основным видом деятельности является производство электроэнергии гидроэлектростанциями. Компанию возглавляет ДИРЕКТОР МАЛЬКО АЛЕКСАНДР ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ. www.list-org.com Светлинская ГЭС Википедия
Светлинская ГЭС (Вилюйская ГЭС-III) — строящаяся гидроэлектростанция на реке Вилюй в Якутии, у посёлка Светлый. Входит в Вилюйский каскад ГЭС, являясь его второй ступенью. Собственник станции — АО «Вилюйская ГЭС-3», дочернее общество компании АЛРОСА. Светлинская ГЭС представляет собой плотинную русловую гидроэлектростанцию с водосбросными сооружениями, совмещенными со зданием ГЭС. Состав сооружений ГЭС:[1]
Проектная мощность ГЭС — 370 МВт, проектная среднегодовая выработка — 1,2 млрд кВт·ч. В здании ГЭС по проекту должно быть установлено 4 поворотно-гидроагрегата мощностью по 92,5 МВт с поворотно-лопастными турбинами, работающими при расчётном напоре 22,8 м. По состоянию на 2018 год введено в эксплуатацию 3 гидроагрегата на пониженном напоре, мощность ГЭС составляет 277,5 МВт, среднегодовая выработка - 750 млн кВт·ч[1]. По проекту напорные сооружения ГЭС должны образовать водохранилище с НПУ 181 м, площадью 104 км², полной и полезной ёмкостью 1,126 и 0,195 км³, длиной 141,2 км, шириной до 0,46 км, глубиной до 50 м. При создании водохранилища затапливается 288 га сельхозугодий, переносится 28 строений. По состоянию на 2018 год, водохранилище заполнено до НПУ 177,5 м, при котором его площадь составляет 70,1 км², полная ёмкость 0,593 км³, полезная ёмкость отсутствует[1]. ruwikiorg.ru "СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" ФЛ ОАО "ВИЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3"Общие сведенияЮридическое наименование организации:ФИЛИАЛ ОТКРЫТОГО АКЦИОНЕРНОГО ОБЩЕСТВА "ВИЛЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3" "СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" Регион: у. Мирнинский (республика Саха (Якутия)) Юридический адрес:678196, Республика САХА (ЯКУТИЯ), МИРНИНСКИЙ улус, рп. СВЕТЛЫЙ, ул. В. ВОРОПАЯ, д. 22А Руководство организации:Директор Малько Александр Владимирович Основной вид деятельности (по классификатору ОКВЭД)Организация "СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" ФЛ ОАО "ВИЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3" осуществляет следующие виды деятельности:Производство электроэнергии гидроэлектростанциями(Производство, передача и распределение электроэнергии, газа, пара и горячей воды / Производство, передача и распределение электроэнергии / Производство электроэнергии) Головная компания:ВИЛЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3 ОАО Информация о государственной регистрацииОГРН (Основной государственный регистрационный номер): 1021400967037 Орган государственной регистрации:Межрайонная инспекция Министерства Российской Федерации по налогам и сборам №1 по Республике Саха (Якутия) (Структурное подразделение по г. Мирный). Дата регистрации: 7 мая 1999 года Справочная информацияИНН (Идентификационный номер налогоплательщика): 1433015048 Форма собственности (в соответствии с ОКФС):Смешанная российская собственность с долей федеральной собственности Организационно-правовая форма (в соответствии с ОКОПФ):Представительства и филиалы Вид организации по классификации ОКОГУ:Организации, учрежденные юридическими лицами или юридическими лицами и гражданами Местонахождение организацииАдрес организации:678196, Республика САХА (ЯКУТИЯ), МИРНИНСКИЙ улус, рп. СВЕТЛЫЙ, ул. В. ВОРОПАЯ, д. 22А Организация "СВЕТЛИНСКАЯ ГЭС" ФЛ ОАО "ВИЮЙСКАЯ ГЭС-3": общая сводка www.b2b-project.ru |